Pandaria Tamers

There are 7 pet tamers on the continent of Pandaria that will put you and your pets to the ultimate challenge. Some of these trainers can be quite tricky to master, so let our guides help you along the way with foolproof tactics and counter comps. The trainers and their locations are listed below, along with a link to our strategy guide to beating each and every tamer.

Tom Tom users can use the following waypoints:
/way Jade Forest 48.0 54.0 Hyuna
/way Valley of the Four Winds 46.0 43.6 Nishi
/way Krasarang Wilds 62.2 45.8 Mo'ruk
/way Kun-Lai Summit 35.8 73.6 Yon
/way Townlong Steppes 36.2 52.2 Zusshi
/way Dread Wastes 55.0 37.6 Shu

Hyuna of the Shrines
Rank: Master Pet Tamer
Location: The Jade Forest
Check out our guide to defeating Hyuna of the Shrines

Farmer Nishi
Rank: Master Pet Tamer
Location: Valley of the Four Winds
Check out our guide to defeating Farmer Nishi

Rank: Master Pet Tamer
Location: Krasarang Wilds
Check out our guide to defeating Mo'ruk

Courageous Yon
Rank: Master Pet Tamer
Location: Kun-Lai Summit
Check out our guide to defeating Courageous Yon

Seeker Zusshi
Rank: Master Pet Tamer
Location: Townlong Steppes
Check out our guide to defeating Seeker Zusshi

Wastewalker Shu
Rank: Master Pet Tamer
Location: Dread Wastes
Check out our guide to defeating Wastewalker Shu

Aki The Chosen
Rank: Grand Master Pet Tamer
Location: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Check out our guide to defeating Aki The Chosen

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