Aki the Chosen Pet Battle

Aki The Chosen
Location: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Aki the Chosen is the Grand Master Pet Tamer of Pandaria. How hard can she be? Not hard at all with our killer strategies!

Pets to Use:
Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,1,1)
Carry pet

vs Chirrup
Attack with your Carry pet and then switch to your Anubisath Idol.
Sandstorm when it's available > Crush until Chirrup dies. Pretty simple.

vs Stormlash
Open with Deflection
Sandstorm (if it's available, depends on RNG from last round) > Otherwise just Crush until Stormlash dies.

Note: Stormlash will cast Thunderstorm and it will cancel out your Sandstorm. It's okay. Just put sandstorm back up next time it's on CD. It's not always necessary though, as using a Crush a few times will normally kill him and you don't even have to worry about it.

vs Whiskers
Cast sandstorm if available, otherwise Crush > Deflection > Crush until your Idol dies
Swap over to your Emerald Proto-Whelp and open with Emerald Bite.
When Whiskers uses his Dive, use Proto-Strike to mitigate it. Emerald Bite until he dies.

It's also pretty rare, but I've had some really bad luck happen during this fight. Sometimes, Stormlash will get a few lucky crits and your Idol will keep missing it's attacks. Eventually he will kill your Idol which ruins this entire strategy. If this frustrating situation happens, just forfeit and start over. Again, it's very rare but it can and does happen. Don't give up! On the flipside of the coin though, sometimes I get some really lucky crits and the Idol can solo the entire fight!

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