Courageous Yon Pet Battle

Courageous Yon
Location: Kun-Lai Summit

First of all, this guy is a real pain to find. Look for his marker on the minimap. Then, the easiest way to find him is to fly to the very top of the mountain and then navigate to the south side. Look for a small doorway in the south of the mountainside. It's very small and blends in with the mountain, so it may be hard to spot at first glance. He is directly inside.

This tamer is a cakewalk using Anubisath Idol (1,1,1). The entire fight can be solo'd. All of his pets use 2 round damaging nuke abilities, so simply watch your debuffs and they are easy to mitigate. When there is 1 round left on them, use Deflection.

The quick and dirty strategy:

Piqua (1st pet) will fly high in the air, so you will know it's time to use your Deflection. When Lapin (2nd pet) burrows underground, also use your Deflection. When Bleat (3rd pet) uses his Chew ability, use Deflection. Other than that, simply use sandstorm when it's available, and crush as filler. This fight is extremely easy and your Idol will most usually end the fight at near full health.

Quick Note: The Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2) can also solo Yon.

For your other 2 pet slots you can use a carry pet and any Mechanical Pet (I prefer either Clockwork Gnome or Son of Animus). The reason is because his last pet is a beast and mechanicals do great against beasts. This is just in case you mess up when soloing with your Anubisath Idol or Emerald Proto-Whelp. It's always nice to have a backup!

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